At Cincosentidos, we use food as a driver of social and environmental change in a way that nurtures our lives and our surroundings – how we grow it, source it, prepare it, share it, and experience it.
Guided by this principle, we plant seeds of collaboration and cultivate synergies between individuals and initiatives, promoting mutual growth, constant innovation, and positive impacts that are economic, social, and environmental. Our story is extensive, forged with dedication since 2010, and it goes beyond restaurants. We invite you to be part of a movement that involves chefs, diners, and hosts, but also farmers, fishers, researchers, producers, and a wide range of allies in favor of our biodiversity and sustainability.
Restaurants & Projects
Join our community of guests and collaborators to better appreciate the variety of ingredients this land has to offer. It all starts with a basic principle: the food we put on our table. It is up to all of us to participate. Learn. Share. Collaborate.
To Recover our Land. To Rescue our Biodiversity.
We are surrounded by food, even though 85% of our food supply is imported. Based on this premise, we promote the use of native products not only to preserve indigenous species and ecological balance but also to boost the local economy and keep our culture alive.
Collaboration takes us Further.
We recognize that there is much ground to cover and significant challenges to address. In the era of climate change, social inequality, and technological innovation, we rely on close and effective collaboration between individuals and organizations. We are always committed to expanding the scope of our shared mission from various fronts.
There is no Prosperity if it is not Shared,
We create systemic changes in the food industry to drive progress at all levels. This approach not only improves the livelihoods of farmers, producers, and local talent but also strengthens the resilience of our communities against unpredictable challenges.
At Cincosentidos, we are dedicated to fostering an environment where talent flourishes and is continuously nurtured.
Growth is not just an outcome but a process of care and development in which our entire team is involved. We are motivated to achieve business, environmental, and social objectives together. We are a diverse and ever-growing collective.
What’s Cooking
Valorar el consumo del alimento nativo es esencial para un desarrollo sostenible, sobre todo en un país tropical y de suelos fértiles como Puerto Rico.
Redescubrir la despensa de ingredientes locales y fomentar la sensibilidad de cocinar con productos de temporada son parte intrínseca de nuestro proyecto de investigación Oriundo.
Let’s talk
We are constantly seeking new collaboration opportunities to broaden our reach and impact.